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Should you start with weights or cardio?

It’s an age-old debate: should I do cardio first or after lifting weights? If your aim is to modify your body composition, that is, to lose body fat while striving to gain lean muscle mass, you should perform your cardio after your weights for the following reasons.

Your body will be primed and in the perfect fed state to hit the weights and activate the appropriate muscle fibres to their fullest capacity, in order to elicit repair and development, assuming your diet is on point, particularly your pre-workout meal.

Your body will use the energy stores acquired from your pre-workout food during your weights exercise, and by the time you complete exercising, your body will be spent. This is an ideal time to go on a cardio machine since your body will be most open to utilising stored body fat as an energy source for this activity.

LISS cardio –

Post-workout, Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) cardio is suggested to keep your heart rate within the ideal fat-burning range of 50-65 percent of your maximal heart rate. The ideal time is between 20 and 45 minutes. If time is a barrier, you may do HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) after your workout, which involves repeating a maximal effort sprint and a rest period.

After using stored glycogen throughout both weight training and cardio, your body will be severely drained after you finish your workout. It is suggested that you take a lean Whey Protein shake soon after your workout to replace these reserves and feed your muscles with nutrients to begin the mending process.

How Long Should You Exercise?

Many gym attendees use the amount of time they spend in the gym to gauge the effectiveness of their workout. There is a lot of research and a lot of bro-science around this topic, but we like to stick to anecdotal evidence and keep things simple. Train for as long as you desire.

If you are exercising with a partner or if you take extensive rest intervals between sets, there are a few elements that will determine how long you should spend in the gym. If you exercise with a friend, you may spend 2 hours at the gym, with 3-5 minute rest intervals in between sets. However, if you are training alone and with a high degree of focus, you will be successful.

We recommend not overthinking it: train until you’re exhausted and spent, but don’t use that as an excuse to skip sessions. Your ability to finish your intended rep range and how well you can lift a specific weight that you know your prior PB for are both good indicators of your effort.

It’s critical to strike the perfect balance, to push oneself while also knowing when to draw the pin. Train for as long as you need to, but make sure you finish the task.

What Exercises Should You Pair For Super Sets?

Super Sets –

Supersetting is a training approach used by people who want to achieve a wide variety of objectives. It entails finishing one set of exercises and instantly going on to the next without pausing.

The fundamental idea is to combine two workouts that are functionally distinct from one another. It’s customary to mix a compound exercise with an isolated exercise while completing supersets.

The goal of supersetting is to maximise muscle recruitment throughout a set, increase intensity beyond fatigue, burn more calories, and raise your heart rate.

When exercising quadriceps, a superset could include performing squats as a compound exercise and then moving on to leg extensions as an isolated exercise. Alternatively, you might superset a Bench Press as a compound exercise with Dumbbell Flyes as an isolated exercise while exercising your chest. The trick is to make sure that the workouts move in fundamentally distinct ways.

A Flat Barbell Bench Press supersetted with an Incline Barbell Bench Press is a terrible example of a superset. The activities are too comparable to activate muscle fibres that haven’t already been engaged. Similarly, if you’re doing two isolation exercises, such as Flat Dumbbell Ffyes followed by a Decline Dumbbell Fly, the motions are too similar to get the extra benefit you’re looking for.


PeakO2 –

1.What exactly is it?

PeakO2 is a patent-pending blend of six organic-certified Ayurvedic mushroom strains created by Compound Solutions, an ingredient producer. These mushroom strains were cultivated on organic whole oats, which is a unique procedure that allows maximal bioactivity to be preserved for optimal performance. Cordyceps, Reishi, King Trumpet, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, and Turkey Tail are among the mushroom strains found in PeakO2.

2.How Does It Work?

PeakO2 is made up of a combination of potent adaptogens. Athletes can use adaptogens to “adapt” to and then overcome physical and mental stress. This offers them an advantage when it comes to taking their training to the next level. In every activity or field of employment, the capacity to adapt to new stressors is a major advantage. As humans, we are constantly confronted with stressors, which we must adapt to and overcome on a daily basis.

PeakO2 has been clinically demonstrated to improve through the mechanisms that adaptogens function through:

Time spent working out

Maximum Power Output Peak Strength Anaerobic Peak Time to Exhaustion Ability to Uptake Oxygen Exercise Capacity Power Oxygen Utilization during Exercise.

3.How much should I take?

When it comes to dosage, PeakO2 is an intriguing supplement. A daily dosage of 1–2 grammes is recommended, however there is a loading period before the full benefits are seen.

The loading dosage has been estimated to be around 28g, which means that once the body has taken 28g, the full benefits should be seen. It is entirely up to the person whether they take 2g per day for 14 days or 4g per day for 7 days. The loading phase in most research on dose had subjects taking 2g per day for 14 days. The 1–2g daily dosage will retain the full benefits once the loading period is ended.

In comparison, Beta Alanine, a well-known performance-enhancing substance, requires a loading dosage of up to 179g before full effects are seen. PeakO2’s 28g is not only more efficient, but also less expensive.

4.How long do I have to take it?

There is no right or incorrect time to take PeakO2, but getting a daily dose is the most important thing. The advantages will come through constant use and ingestion, whether it is taken before, during, or after a workout.

Greater oxygen uptake will result in higher performance if you take a pre-workout supplement. Increased oxygen uptake will aid boost performance during training/workout sessions with intra-workout dose. PeakO2’s antioxidants will help you recover quicker after an exercise if you take it afterward.

5.Can You Tell Me How Long It Takes To Work?

PeakO2 does, as previously said, require a loading period to achieve its full potential. This loading dosage was calculated to be 28g of PeakO2. It is entirely up to the individual athlete whether they take 2g per day for 14 days or 4g per day for 7 days. The participants in the research consumed 2g of PeakO2 every day for 14 days in order to meet the target of 28g of PeakO2.

Creatine HCl (hydrochloride)

Creatine HCl (hydrochloride)

1. What exactly is it?

Creatine HCl (hydrochloride) is a creatine molecule that has been bonded to hydrochloric acid.

Creatine HCl has been found to enhance muscle cell volume as a solo supplement, enabling an anabolic environment for muscular growth.

Due to its greater solubility and pH alignment with the human digestive tract, Creatine HCl has been demonstrated to have superior characteristics to other forms of Creatine, particularly Creatine Monohydrate.

2. What Is It Used For?

Creatine HCl boosts the production of a molecule known as Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The phosphate energy system, which the body employs to power brief, intense muscular contractions and other anaerobic workouts, uses ATP as its principal source of energy.

Creatine HCl increases your anaerobic workout capacity by allowing your muscles to contract with more force for a greater number of repetitions. As a consequence, creatine HCl enables you to exercise harder for longer periods of time and promote greater muscular development, resulting in increased muscle strength and size.

Due to its greater solubility and bioavailability, Creatine HCL is said to be superior to other forms of Creatine. To begin, this means that a lesser amount of Creatine HCL is required to get the same results as other Creatine forms. Other types of Creatine (most notably Creatine Monohydrate) have been linked to increased water retention in the body, which can be an undesirable side effect. Creatine HCL isn’t thought to help with water retention.

3. How much should I take?

Creatine HCl, unlike other forms of Creatine, does not require a loading period. The most effective dose of Creatine HCl to take advantage of its performance-enhancing properties is 1–2 grammes per day.

4. When am I supposed to take it?

On training days, we recommend taking 1–2 grammes of Creatine HCL right after your workout.

On non-training days, we recommend eating 1–2 grammes of Creatine HCL first thing in the morning to maintain a constant daily intake.

Creatine HCl can be ingested by mixing it with water or any other beverage.

We aim to be as constant as possible when it comes to Creatine HCL supplementation. It’s a daily supplement that you take on a regular basis, whether you’re exercising or taking a day off.

5. How long does it take to do the task?

Within the first two weeks of using Creatine HCl, you will see considerable improvements when combined with a balanced diet and training routine. An improvement in anaerobic work capacity, strength, and muscular fullness is to be expected.

When it comes to Creatine HCL supplementation, consistency is always the key to getting the greatest benefits. At the end of the day, maintaining those advantages will necessitate constant Creatine HCL use on a daily basis.


Laxogenin –

1. What exactly is it?

Plants contain 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin, which is a naturally occurring chemical. It’s a member of the brassinosteroids family of plant hormones, which have a similar structure to animal steroid hormones. Brassinosteroids help plants grow by stimulating cell division. 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin can be found in variable amounts in the seeds, leaves, and pollen of a variety of plants and foods.

5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin’ and ‘Laxogenin,’ contrary to popular assumption, are not the same thing. Despite the fact that they are chemically highly similar, their names are the same, and they are both found in the same plant family. According to some study, 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin is the molecule responsible for the qualities linked with “Laxogenin Supplements.” While we don’t have any clear evidence to back this up, we recommend looking for one.

2. What Is It Used For?

Because of its anabolic/androgenic ratio and ability to boost Protein Synthesis and Nitrogen Retention, 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin sparked curiosity due to its growth-promoting effects on plants. It has been compared to a specific anabolic drug.

While evidence and studies are difficult to come by, 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin has been claimed to enhance protein synthesis by 200 percent and nitrogen retention in the body. Both are two of the most important components in promoting muscular growth, healing, and strength gains.

According to reports, 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin showed benefits in terms of increased strength, which in turn leads to increased work volume and caloric intake when utilised to produce hypertrophy. 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin has also been found to aid in injury rehabilitation.

3. How much should I take?

We haven’t been able to identify a reliable clinical dose for 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin yet.

With that said, we can propose that a daily dose of around 1 mg per kg of bodyweight will allow 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin to elicit its maximum benefits, based on many sources and personal J&D within the Team.

Consider the following scenario:

60 mg of 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin per day for a 60 kg person

100 mg of 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin per day for a 100 kg individual

As a result, choosing a product that only contains 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin and nothing else will always be easier to ensure you get the proper serving quantity without running into complications with other substances.

4. When am I supposed to take it?

While we recommend taking 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin after a workout, The most important component in getting the most out of 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin is to consume it on a daily basis.

It’s far more important to make sure you get your daily dose than it is to know when time of day you should take your 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin. Choose a time that will help you remember to take your 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin every day.

We recommend mixing you’re serving with a protein or carbohydrate-based beverage or drinking it with a meal to maximise 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin absorption. As a result, we recommend that you select a 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin supplement that includes a high-quality carbohydrate that aids in absorption.

5. How long does it take to do the task?

Some users have reported gains in strength after just a few days of treatment, with the majority of the effects of 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin becoming apparent after two weeks. While results may vary from person to person, we haven’t seen any evidence that dosing at higher amounts than those listed above results in speedier results. Stick to your 1 mg per kg of bodyweight and start tracking your strength and muscle improvements.

Is it necessary to cycle my 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin use?

While there is no data to imply that cycling or not cycling has any advantages. We recommend maintaining 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin as a supplement because it has no hormone-like effects in the body.

6. What Are The Most Popular Items?

The following are the top 5a-Hydroxy-Laxogenin-containing products:

Turkesterone Supplement : How It Works, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions

What is Turkesterone, exactly?

Turkesterone is a steroid that belongs to the ecdysteroid family. Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones found mostly in arthropods and insects, although they can also be found in some plant species.

Turkesterone is obtained principally from the Ajuga plant, although it may also be taken from a variety of other plant species found throughout Africa.

So, what exactly does it do?

Although there have only been a few studies done on Turkesterone so far, the findings have been promising. Turkesterone may assist boost lipid and glucose metabolism, stimulate protein synthesis, aid muscular growth, and increase strength, according to these research.

These findings suggest that Turkesterone may operate as an agonist for receptors that trigger anabolic and adaptogenic responses, while the potential lipid and carbohydrate metabolising actions may aid fat reduction and body composition maintenance.

It should be noted, however, that these early experiments were done on animals only, not people. It remains to be seen if the whole range of effects seen by animals will likewise be felt by people.

How much should I take?

The dosage of Turkesterone that is effective in humans is unknown.However, a first human trial found that athletes who took 800mg of Turkesterone per day for ten weeks had an increase in muscular growth and strength, increasing an average of 3.2kg of lean muscle mass.The majority of supplement companies now selling Turkesterone advocate a daily dosage of 500mg to 1000mg. Because there is no scientific consensus on the suggested dosage, it is best to err on the side of caution and adhere to a daily dose of 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogramme of lean body weight.

When do I have to take it?

The best time to take Turkesterone in humans is unknown.

There is presently no research that supports any particular dosage strategy, and the human study cited above does not define the quantity, amount, or timing of doses.

Most supplement companies that provide Turkesterone advocate dividing a full daily dosage into two separate doses.

As a result, it is advised that you consume roughly 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogramme of lean body weight every day, ideally at the same time every day.

How Long Does It Take To Get Things Done?

The majority of research on Turkesterone’s effects show medium to long-term consequences after weeks to months of constant use. Anecdotally, though, users of Turkesterone have claimed considerable results within days.


There hasn’t been any proof on ecdysteroids’ negative side effects to illustrate what they may be. There have been reports of positive side effects such as improved hormone levels and a stronger immune system. If you use Turkesterone Supplements on an empty stomach, you may have stomach discomfort and nausea. The majority of Turkesterone users should see benefits after 2–4 weeks of steady usage.

Is PCT Required for Turkesterone?

It does not need any post-cycle treatment (PCT).

Is Turkesterone a Controlled Substance?

No, it is not currently prohibited, and it is permitted in practically all sports. This may change in the future, since certain anti-doping organisations, such as WADA, are considering banning most Ecdysteroids.

Is it safe for Female to take Turkesterone?

Female have not been cautioned against using Turkesterone in studies. It doesn’t boost androgens (male sex hormones) like Testosterone since it doesn’t increase them.

Female are just as safe as males when it comes to turkesterone.

What Are The Best-Selling Products?




Turkesterone has been gaining more popularity in the supplement industry and it’s a relatively new supplement. Turkesterone Supplements have gained a lot more attention in the bodybuilding community and users have reported that they have seen muscle growth without any side effects. So, you are probably wanting more information about Turkesterone Supplements and what it is, what the benefits are, and if there are any side effects. Read this guide to find out more about Turkesterone Supplements!


Turkesterone is an extract from a natural plant called Leuzea, also known as Maral Root. This plant is harvested in multiple countries throughout the world, including Siberia, Asia, Bulgaria, and Kazakhstan. The plant that Turkesterone is made from is considered an adaptogen, which means it’s an herb of the plant that is studied to have positive impacts on the human mind.

Turkesterone is consider an ecdysteroid which is a hormone that can compare to testosterone because of the potential to induce growth. However, unlike testosterone, ecdysteroids do not stick to androgen receptors and don’t cause negative side effects that often associate with steroids.


One of the major benefits to Turkesterone Supplements is that they are safer than anabolic steroids even though they may behave in a similar way, it doesn’t bind to androgen receptors. Turkesterone will help enhance muscle repair and growth by increasing muscle protein synthesis. Turkesterone is able to do this by optimizing the mRNA translation process and promoting leucine uptake to muscle cells. Because of the effect on protein synthesis, a positive nitrogen balance is attain which will prevent muscle breakdown. There is evidence that shows that ecysteroids, like Turkesterone, are able to increase muscle ATP content which can turn into increased muscular energy and endurance during your workout.


For negative side effects, there hasn’t been any provevidence about ecdysteroids to show what negative side effects may happen. There has been possible beneficial side effects which include optimized hormone levels and strengthened immune system. People have reported an occasional upset stomach and nausea if you take Turkesterone Supplements on an empty stomach.


Density Labs took the extra step and actually tested competitor’s products! Most of them contained little to no Turkesterone! Don’t be fooled by cheap imitation products. Get the real Turkesterone from Density Labs.

Most Turkesterone products on the market comes from Chinese manufacturers who make their Turkesterone from AjugaReptans or AjugaDecumbens, plants that can only yield an extract that is 2%. The highest quality Turkesterone for body building is the AjugaTurkestanica plant which can yield up to 10%.

Density LabsTurkesterone is the only product with Cyclosome™ Delivery. Why is this so important? Because it allows systemic circulation by the intestinal lymphatic route, circumventing first-pass inactivation in the liver for the very first time. Basically, more of the compound itself gets into the blood stream resulting in much better result.

How Much Do I Need To Take?

The effective dose of Turkesterone for humans is uncertain.

However, an initial human study showed that athletes who consumed 800mg of Turkesterone per day for a total of 10 weeks reported an increase in muscle hypertrophy & strength, gaining an average of 3.2kg of lean muscle mass over the 10 week period

Most supplement brands currently marketing Turkesterone are recommending a daily dose between 500mg – 1000mg per day.

Due to the lack of scientific consensus on the recommend dosage, it is advise to err on the side of caution and stick to a dose of approximately 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogram of lean body weight per day.

When Do I Take It?

The dose timing of Turkesterone for humans is uncertain.

There is currently no research that favours any specific dosing protocol. While the above-mentioned human study does not specify the number, the size or the timing of doses.

Most supplement brands currently marketing Turkesterone recommend splitting a full daily intake into 2 separate doses per day.

It is therefore recommend to consistently adhere to the guideline of consuming approximately 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogram of lean body weight per day, ideally at the same time of day, everyday.

How Long Does It Take To Work?

Most studies conducted on the effects of Turkesterone support medium to long term results. And over periods of weeks to months of consistent use. However, anecdotally, users of Turkesterone have reported experiencing significant effects within days.

Most users of Turkesterone should expect to experience results within 2 – 4 weeks of consistent use.

Pre-Workout | WHY is there such a range?

Pre-workout comes in many different shapes and sizes (well usually just a cylinder container with some powder inside – not very smaller than a protein tub, bigger than a can of drink). The point being made here is that some may seem under-dosed whilst others push the boat to the extreme… why do companies do this and what does that mean for you the consumer?

Let’s break pre-workouts down into 4 main categories. High Stim, Nootropic, Pump and Daily Drivers. These boxes help us to place a pre-workout into the market and determine it’s value against others of the same type. It would be ridiculous to compare a Pump to a High Stim pre-workout if we wanted to achieve a buzz or caffeine rush. At the same time a Nootropic pre isn’t going to deliver the same vascularity as a pump product. Let’s start to break down each sub-category and get into the nitty gritty of how to determine which is which and what you might find in each.

High Stimulant Pre Workout

These are the big boys. The pre-workout that get most of the attention from supplement reviewers on YouTube, instagram and ticktock. They drive the most business as people look for that next hit of caffeine and other stimulants to drive home a workout.

The ingredients you’ll find in these pre-workouts are:

Caffeine, usually dosed about 250mg per serving. Potentially in different form such as Di-Caffeine Malate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Caffeine Citrate and ‘Natural’ Caffeine. The list goes on for chelations that have been formulated to change the way caffeine interacts with our adenosine receptors. Caffeine is a much larger topic and will be covered in another blog post.

Eria Jarensis, Eria Jarensis is a plant that contains high concentrations of very powerful stimulating alkaloids. The extract is the prime source of N-Phenyl Dimethylamine, which has been shown to increase the concentration of noradrenaline. It has similar cognitive benefits to substances like DMAA which are harder to obtain as they’re taken off the market.

1,3-Dimethylamylamine, Or DMAA as it’s most commonly known is not an approved substance within food supplements but has a very similar effect to caffeine but much higher intensity. This has led to a popularity for the ingredient amongst those looking for the highest stimulant based pre-workouts and sometimes those who have used this ingredient in the past find that nothing quite compares.


Nootropics are the new kids on the pre-workout block. Designed to improve focus, mental clarity and attention. Nootropic simply means that it assists with brain function. The reason these are becoming more attractive is they work well alongside stimulants. Plus, they have very little drawback.

The ingredients you’ll find in these pre-workout are:

Alpha GPC (choline) this is the best choline product on the market. Choline is essential for the health of the synapse in the brain. Those little messages that tell your body to move, breathe and think are all supported by this supplement. Most pre-workouts contain this variant of choline as it’s much better absorbed by the body, almost twice as effective as choline bi-tartrate or other chelations.

Ashwagandha is a fantastic ingredient found in most nootropic pre-workouts as it helps with mental focus, normal mood levels but also power output and testosterone levels. We have our own blog specifically on ashwagandha.

L-Tyrosine improves attention, has benefits to increasing noradrenaline and has a minor benefit in decreasing stress. You’ll fine L-Tyrosine in a lot of pre-workouts. But without a doubt a higher dosage in a good nootropic. Dosage should be expected from 1000-2000mg per dosage, preferably on the higher end.


Pumps are classically disregarded but from a personal point of view I find that they’re the most effective at improving your workout. Their main purpose is twofold. Increase nitric oxide release in the muscle tissues. Increase blood flow to the muscle. This improves endurance, power, lactic acid buffering and aesthetics. Don’t sleep on the pumps. (Or do because you actually can).

The ingredients you’ll find in these pre-workout are:

L-Citrulline (aka. citrulline malate or arginine) A primary driver for nitric oxide production in the muscle. L-Citrulline converts into arginine within the body but is much more available than arginine on it’s own.

Glycerol Powder (Glycersize, Glycerpump and other trademarks) is basically a high molecular weight carbohydrate that allows your body to rapidly recover glycogen to produce energy, this glycogen also fills up the muscle belly giving that appearance of pump and fullness.

Beetroot Juice Powder (Or other vasodilators such as S7(blend)) provides the body with a boost to vasodilation making sure that blood is delivered around the body effectively.

Daily Drivers

What is a daily driver – well it’s what it suggests. It’s something that keeps you going and has benefits when taken regularly rather than one off. The majority of the pre-workouts you find on the general market in supermarkets, online and from major companies are these pre-workouts. Dosed in such a way that they can provide small increases in energy and power, with some pump element – but not too high that they cause any adverse effects, inviting you to take it over and over again.

Some pre-workouts across the wider industry are 20/40 pre’s. Meaning they have either 20 (high stim) or 40 (daily driver) servings per container. They get away with this as a lot of the standard ingredients we find benefit from you taking them repeatedly. Such as…

Beta-Alanine fantastic at buffering lactic acid in the muscle and increasing your performance from 60-240seconds. This means for volume work, you’ll massively improve your working load allowing you to move more weight in the gym. Standard dose is 2-5grams however most pre-workouts will be 3.2grams, what is considered the clinical dose.

Betaine Anhydrous has many health benefits, but has been shown to benefit a lot of strength based training. This is mainly due to how it interacts with other ingredients within your pre-workout and the benefit of nutrient delivery through blood.

and most of the other ingredients listed above.

So in review.

High Stim for your one off, heavy, long gym days or those of use who chase that stimulant buzz.

Nootropics if you lack focus, want some stimulant but really love a sense of concentration in the gym.

Pumps for evenings, great performance and that aesthetic result at the end of a good session.

Daily Drivers for your every day gym goer looking to break through the fatigue of the working day.

Know Your Ingredients… Ashwagandha

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Ashwagandha is a herb used in traditional medicine in India, also known as Indian Ginseng. A number of studies suggest that it has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects; studies are mostly supportive of a notable effect of ashwagandha for this purpose, and it seems to reduce cortisol levels. It may increase power output in untrained subjects during resistance exercise and anaerobic running, but this observation is based on a small amount of research and more is needed. Additionally, it may modestly increase testosterone and sperm quality in infertile men. The benefits of Ashwagandha place it into a category of supplements known as Adaptogens.

Should I take Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha has a number of benefits as is evident in the summary. This is relevant for so many individuals and can be used by men and women alike.

Anxiety & Stress

The primary and most supported evidence based benefit of Ashwagandha supplementation is a notable reduction in anxiety. This is known as an anxiolytic effect – evidence suggest this is best in the situation of a chronic stress and/or anxiety disorder. More research needs to be conducted on how this effects those who suffer with mild stress or anxiety but there are studies currently being conducted that are showing strong evidence to this theory.


Related to this is the reduction in cortisol. This varies with individuals but between 14.5-27.9% reduction in overall cortisol levels in otherwise stressed humans has been shown in a variety of studies. There is a high level of evidence for this claim and the studies used a dosage of 600mg ‘full spectrum’ ashwagandha over a 60 day period.

The combined effect of this means that individuals using ashwagandha supplements tend to have a greater sense of calm and higher mood levels than those without – leading to the use of ashwagandha outside of fitness rising and it’s popularity and commonality increasing within the health industry as an alternative to anti-anxiety medications.


Male subjects have seen a minor increase in natural testosterone production – particularly in infertile men. But also in men undergoing strength & resistance training. However there is little evidence to show that there is an increase in men who are otherwise ‘normal’.

Testosterone is sometimes seen as a holy grail for men in strength training and bodybuilding as it its functionality within muscle hypertrophy (cell growth) is vital for optimising the effects of resistance training. It has a direct impact on the amount of satellite cells that can be developed into muscle cells when stimulated – so naturally, an increase in testosterone will increase muscle size. This has been shown in a number of clinical trials.

Of course, ashwagandha does not scale in comparison to the supplementation of testosterone in terms of a TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) or other anabolic steroid compounds etc. however for those who are looking for a natural alternative this along with other herbal ingredients will see an improvement in your testosterone levels.

Power Output

There has been numerous (4) peer reviewed studies than have shown that there is a notable increase in power output across a wide selection of participants across multiple disciplines. This includes sprint training, non trained and trained subjects. This was with supplementation of 500mg ashwagandha. It also improved VO2 max in those subjects so had a benefit to their aerobic capacity.

How much should I use then?

Overall most studies have shown between 500-600mg of ashwagandha daily for an extended period of time (30-60 days) has the desired effects for a lot of the benefits with only some increase on higher dosages.

Anecdotally I have found 600mg to be an upper limit for myself with higher intakes leading to tiredness. However 300mg per day seems to have a lot of benefits in regards to reduction of stress & anxiety.

What products give Ashwagandha?

We have a variety of products that provide Ashwagandha, and there are two main sources. Ashwagandha root, and KSM66 which is a trademarked extract which provides a high level of purity. There will be all of the products that we sell below for you to look into.

Note: There is not a sufficient amount of evidence to provide information in regards to its interaction with medications and prescribed drugs. Therefor we cannot advice the use of ashwagandha to any individual who is currently taking any medication and would refer you to speak to your GP or medical professional before taking any substances containing this ingredient.


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