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RAD140 YK11 Stack Results

I read a lot of reports online because I like to stay up to date on all the new information about SARMs, which includes anecdotal evidence.

While doing so, I came across numerous reports of people stacking these two SARMs to achieve ‘miraculous’ results.

It just goes to show how much misinformation is available on the internet; while such a stack would not necessarily kill you, it would result in a complete shutdown in your Testosterone production, which would be unpleasant.

Both YK11 – RAD 140 are suppressive, with the former being more effective than the latter in terms of suppression. With that out of the way, let’s take a closer look at these two SARMs and see how they compare.


YK11 is a steroidal SARM that is also a myostatin inhibitor, which means it will help you gain muscle mass quickly.

Myostatin is a protein that inhibits muscle growth, and bodybuilders who naturally’suffer’ from myostatin deficiency find themselves building a lot more muscle in less time. We have no human or animal data from this SARM because clinical trials were terminated. While cellular studies limit the scientific scope of our research, hundreds of anecdotal reports from real users can still be found online.

RAD 140

In the bodybuilding community, RAD 140, also known as Testolone, is known to bestow massive strength on the user. It’s also one of the best compounds for dry gains, as many users happily attest. RAD 140, unlike YK11, is a pure SARM that acts as a partial agonist to the androgen receptor. This should theoretically imply that it is less oppressive than the former, but this is not always the case. RAD 140 works well in low doses and has been shown in animal studies to promote muscle growth. RAD 140 faces the same issue as YK11: a lack of human studies makes determining the safety profile of this SARM difficult.

Stack Dosage YK11 RAD 140

When comparing the half-lives of these two SARMs, RAD 140 far outperforms YK11. Because YK11 has a half-life of only twelve hours, you must take it twice a day to feel its full effects. RAD 140, on the other hand, has a 60-hour half-life, which means that even if you miss your daily dose, your blood concentration levels of RAD 140 should not drop significantly.

YK11 – RAD 140 – Advantages

Because I’ve used both of these SARMs, I’ll share my own experiences in this chapter. It will be interesting to see how these two SARMs compare in terms of feats like muscle growth, strength, and power…

Muscle Mass

YK11 easily wins in this category. RAD 140 simply cannot compete with a compound that exists solely to inhibit myostatin.

I gained about 15 pounds of muscle in just one eight-week cycle of YK11, while RAD 140 gave me about 10 pounds of muscle.


Although RAD 140 is known as “the strength SARM” in the bodybuilding community, it falls short when compared to YK11.

While on YK11, I felt much stronger and more powerful, and the best part was that I didn’t experience any increase in irritability or aggression.

I did feel more dominant in the gym, but it wasn’t tinged with raw aggression, which has been an issue for me while on RAD 140.


Both YK11 and RAD 140 increase vascularity, but the latter is the clear winner.

YK11 simply cannot compete with the fat loss that RAD 140 provides, which results in increased vascularity.


Both of these SARMs will boost your motivation while at the gym. Because both compounds increase strength, your regular weights will feel lighter, motivating you to lift more and more.

I felt more motivated while on YK11 because it made me a beast both inside and outside of the gym. I felt unstoppable, Testosterone-fueled, manly, and out of this world.

YK11 – RAD 140 – Side Effects

When it comes to side effects, the stronger compound usually wins, but is that the case here? Let us investigate!

Supression of Testosterone

When it comes to suppression, YK11 will undoubtedly suppress you more than RAD 140. I’ve seen many bodybuilders get away with using RAD 140 and not having to do PCT, but that all changed when they started using YK11.

It’s simply too strong to recover from naturally, and I had to do a four-week Nolvadex PCT regimen while on it.

If you’re wondering how suppression feels, the first thing you’ll notice is lethargy and a lack of libido, followed by mood swings and a loss of motivation.


Surprisingly, RAD 140 did make me a little moody while I was on it. I was irritable all of the time, and something was always bothering me.

As previously stated, my experience with YK11 was quite different, and if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be dominant – I felt in control in everyday situations and was still able to manage my anger.

Liver Toxicity

YK11 has a methylated group added to it, which means it is laced with alcohol. As we all know, alcohol is extremely harmful to the liver, which is why I strongly advise using liver support while on a YK11 cycle.

You will not have elevated AST or ALT levels with RAD 140, but there is always the possibility of something going wrong, so I recommend that you get a hepatic panel before and after your cycle.

Joint Pain

This is something I don’t usually talk about, but I did notice my joints hurting while using RAD 140.

It wasn’t as noticeable with YK11 because this SARM is known for strengthening bones as well as increasing muscle mass.

YK11 – RAD 140 – Outcomes

Don’t let the title fool you into thinking that one SARM is better than the other; both of these compounds are excellent additions to your bodybuilding regimen, and you’ll be glad you tried them.

I gained five pounds more muscle with YK11 than with RAD 140, and YK11 gave me a lot more strength.

When it comes to fat loss and vascularity, I’d have to give the torch to RAD 140 because it gave me dry gains that made my vascularity visible. It also caused me to lose more fat than I had ever before!

Finally, YK11 increased my motivation in the gym, and I felt like a monster unleashed on the helpless souls around me. It was an incredible feeling that I would like every bodybuilder to have.

YK11 – RAD 140 – Pricing Online

RAD 140 is typically slightly less expensive than YK11, but the difference is insignificant.

After all, you should never look at the price tag when purchasing SARMs, and if you’re truly on a budget and want to indulge in SARMs, look for ways to save more money to purchase quality products.

Speaking from personal experience, finding a reputable source that knows how to properly price their SARMs pays off big time.


In this article, we compared two compounds that are among the most powerful SARMs available.

As you can see, both of these SARMs have had their ups and downs, with YK11 prevailing in terms of strength, muscle mass, and performance, while RAD 140 surpassed it in terms of fat loss and vascularity.

Overall, if I had to choose between the two, I would say that starting with RAD 140 is the better option. It is less potent than YK11 and does not provide as much suppression.

Keep an eye on your dosages and stay safe while using these two SARMs!


This page’s content is solely for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before purchasing anything, ensure that it complies with current government laws in your area.

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