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CBD Oil Benefits for Cancer?

Is CBD Safe For Cancer Sufferers?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of many compounds contained in the cannabis plant. It has been promoted as an alternative therapy, and even a cure, for a variety of ailments, including cancer, on various internet communities. Furthermore, some cancer patients report that CBD has aided them in controlling their symptoms and adverse effects from regular cancer treatment as a supplemental therapy.

Despite this, there has been relatively little study into CBD and its usage in cancer treatment. Here’s everything you need to know about CBD and what science presently indicates regarding whether it’s safe and helpful for cancer patients to take.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of several compounds contained in the blooming cannabis plant. CBD does not have the psychotropic or mind-altering effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, another chemical contained in cannabis (THC). THC is the molecule that makes individuals feel “high.” CBD, on the other hand, is being used by some to treat pain, anxiety, and sleep problems.

CBD is derived from hemp cannabis plants that are produced with high quantities of CBD and low levels of THC. Cannabis plants with high THC levels are commonly referred to as marijuana. CBD is derived from oil taken from the cannabis plant. This oil can then be consumed as a liquid, pill, gummy, or inhaled via vaping. It can also be used as an ingredient in cosmetics like lotions and skin patches.

There is still a lot to learn about CBD. It has mainly gone unstudied since the US Substance Enforcement Administration classified it as a schedule I drug until 2018. (DEA). A schedule I substance is one that the DEA has classified illegal due to safety concerns about its potential for misuse and because it has no acknowledged medicinal purpose. The DEA then changed CBD’s category to schedule V in September 2018. Schedule V medications have a lower misuse risk and are thought to have some medicinal applications.

Epidiolex, a CBD therapy authorised by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is used to treat a rare and severe type of epilepsy in children. There are presently no FDA-approved CBD drugs for treating cancer or cancer-related adverse effects.

Can CBD assist cancer sufferers?

This question is currently being researched. Some researchers are investigating if CBD helps alleviate some of the adverse symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment, such as pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, or nausea. Other researchers are investigating if CBD can potentially reduce or stop the progression of cancer.

To yet, no large-scale research have found CBD to be beneficial in the treatment of cancer patients. The majority of investigations on CBD as a cancer therapy have been conducted in mice or human cells in the lab. Some studies, for example, have found that CBD suppresses the development of cancer cells in animals with lung or colon cancer. In another research, CBD and THC combined destroyed glioblastoma cancer cells in the lab. However, no trials on cancer patients have been undertaken.

There have been some studies that demonstrate CBD, alone or in combination with THC, may help pain, sleeplessness, or anxiety, but these trials were not limited to cancer patients. While no studies have demonstrated that CBD alleviates these adverse effects especially in cancer patients or those getting cancer therapy, some cancer patients have experienced advantages from using CBD, such as relief from nausea, vomiting, depression, and other side effects. If you reside in a legal state, your doctor may consider prescription cannabis for chronic pain treatment, according to ASCO recommendations. However, according to ASCO recommendations, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of cannabis to reduce nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy

The FDA has authorised two synthetic cannabis drugs to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy: nabilone (Cesamet) and dronabinol (Marinol or Syndros). These drugs are created in a lab.

Is CBD safe for cancer sufferers?

You may come across tales online about people discussing the advantages of CBD as a cancer therapy or for symptom alleviation. Please keep in mind that, while such personal experiences may be well-intended, they are presented without scientific investigation and do not represent proof. CBD’s safety and efficacy for cancer patients must yet be demonstrated in large, randomised, controlled clinical studies.

It is also worth noting that some studies have suggested that CBD may interfere with how your body absorbs cancer medications, which is known as a drug interaction. This might make cancer therapies more hazardous or less effective. More study on these consequences is also required. For these reasons, you should always consult with your oncologist before using CBD.

You might also question if CBD is legal in your state. Some states allow the sale and possession of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes, including CBD and THC. Others have tougher regulations, so always research state-by-state legislation before moving CBD over state boundaries. At the federal level, things become more difficult. As part of the Farm Act, the United States government recognised hemp cultivation and manufacturing as lawful in 2018. In addition to CBD oil, hemp may be used to manufacture rope and garments. To put it another way, hemp is no longer a restricted drug, which means it is no longer regulated by the government. This implies that customers must independently assess the safety and quality of CBD products. Some CBD, for example, may contain far more THC than is labelled.

The final message is that if you’re considering about taking CBD, always see your doctor first. Because evidence does not currently support the use of CBD to benefit individuals with cancer, you should discuss it with your doctor before taking it. Several clinical trials are currently underway to investigate the use of CBD in cancer care, and you and your oncologist can discuss the potential benefits and risks of participating in a research study to help find answers to some of the questions about CBD, such as whether it may reduce side effects or improve quality of life.

Where can I get CBD oil and cream?

CBD is gaining popularity, even in small places like Maidstone, Kent. Nobody wants to miss out on this amazing health trend, which is why we cater to all needs at PHOENIX SUPPLEMENTS STORE in Maidstone, Kent.

In this piece, we’ll go through how we provide the best CBD in Maidstone Kent. Rather of searching around for CBD items Maidstone Kent, we have you covered.

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