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Results and Side Effects of RAD-140 (SARMs) Testolone

RAD-140, along with LGD-4033, is one of the most commonly used SARMs for muscle mass gain.

SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulators) are thought to be a safer alternative to steroids. These compounds bind to androgen receptors only in muscles and bones, resulting in local anabolic effects with no systemic side effects.

RAD-140 is one of these substances, and it is thought to be the most potent of all SARMs.

Advantages of the RAD-140

.           RAD-140 is most likely the most potent anabolic substance legally available on the market. In 6-8 weeks, it can provide 4-6 kg of pure muscle mass gain. It is only inferior to anabolic steroids in terms of strength.

.           Strength Gains – Because of its high anabolic index, testolone provides tremendous strength gains. It’s an excellent substance for breaking records and breaking stagnation. It increases red blood cell production and thus blood supply to muscle tissue. Strength gains are most noticeable in the third and fourth weeks of the cycle.

.           Body fat loss – Although RAD-140 is not typically used for fat loss, its strong anabolic activity and accelerated metabolism aid in the loss of several percentages of body fat.

.           Faster regeneration is another advantage of having a high anabolic index. We can train for longer and more frequently by using RAD.

” Pump ” – When testolone is used, muscles retain more water, making them appear bigger and harder. Veins become more visible as well. In this regard, the effects are similar to those of Anavar.


RAD-140 Adverse Effects

Do the side effects of such a potent anabolic substance exist?

Unfortunately, yes, but they are minor, and once the cycle is over, everything quickly returns to normal. The only negative side effect is testosterone suppression, which occurs during long RAD-140 cycles (lower mood and libido starting around week 8). However, unlike steroids, testolone has no effect on the HPTA system, so a typical PCT with SERM drugs is not required. With RAD-140, testosterone levels are expected to return to pre-cycle levels within two weeks. Taking into consideration the comments of my gym.

If you decide to use a PCT, you should begin it two weeks before the end of your SARM cycle.

SARMs do not have the same side effects as steroids, such as gynecomastia, acne, hair loss, hepatotoxicity, prostate problems, hypertension, or cardiovascular problems.

Dosage of RAD-140

As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I believe that 20mg per day is the best starting dose for beginners. It can be taken once a day due to its long half-life.

Testosterone cycles typically last 6-10 weeks. I would advise first-time RAD-140 users not to exceed the 8-week limit.

RAD-140 in combination with other SARMs

You can pair it with a variety of combinations:

S23, MK 677 (Ibutamoren), and RAD 140

This performance-enhancing drug cocktail is ideal for professional bodybuilders looking to push their bulking and strength limits. RAD-140 promotes muscle growth, MK 677 prevents muscle loss, and S23 mimics the effects of the testosterone hormone.

When combined, the three drugs produce a slew of benefits, including stronger, leaner, and bigger muscles. They must all be taken in the amounts of 10 mg (RAD 140), 30 mg (MK-677), and 10 mg (MK-677) over an eight-week period (S23). Bodybuilders who used this combination claim to have gained up to 22 pounds of muscle mass at the end of the cycle.

Ligandrol and RAD (LGD-4033)

The combination is best suited for beginners who want to build leaner muscles. Both supplements are SARMs with a high anabolic index capable of muscle bulking. Ligandrol promotes fat loss, whereas RAD-140 promotes muscle growth. This combination has a shorter duration, lasting only six weeks, and the dosage remains 10 mg for each.

GW 501516 and RAD 140 (Cardarine)

RAD 140 has huge energy benefits on its own, but when combined with the GW 501516, you get great muscle stimulation and strength. This stack is beneficial for those who want to increase their strength and endurance in order to perform more difficult workouts. For eight weeks, a dose of 10 mg Cardarine and 5 mg RAD 140 should suffice.

Where can I buy RAD 140 in the UK?

Because the FDA has not yet approved RAD 140 for human consumption, the drug is only available online. RAD 140, like most SARMs, is not available in the United States. That is why you should only buy SARM from reputable suppliers, such as those who have a Certificate of Analysis.

When Should You Take RAD 140?

To allow for absorption, take RAD 140 in the morning, 10-15 minutes before breakfast.

Does RAD 140 boost testosterone levels?

RAD 140 is a testosterone booster in addition to its muscle-building and fat-burning properties. It raises the level of testosterone in the blood.

Does RAD 140 Help You Lose Weight?

RAD 140 promotes fat loss. Its chemical structure stimulates metabolism, resulting in fat burning. Some claim to have burned 17% of their body fat after only one RAD cycle. Furthermore, muscle building and fat loss go hand in hand.





MK-677 (also known as ibutamoren) stimulates insulin-like growth factor 1 and boosts growth hormone (GH) release (IGF-1). By replicating the effect of the hormone ghrelin and attaching to one of the ghrelin receptors (GHSR) in the brain, ibutamoren raises growth hormone levels.

Growth hormone is released from the brain when the GHSR is activated. Only the effects of ibutamoren on hunger are described in clinical investigations, and as predicted, ibutamoren, like ghrelin, enhances appetite. Appetite, pleasure, mood, biological rhythms, memory, and cognition are all controlled by GHSR in the brain.

As a result, we may expect ibutamoren to influence these functions as well. It raises growth hormone levels while having little or no effect on other hormones like cortisol. Cortisol inhibits the immune system and lowers testosterone levels.


Muscle-building, reduced muscle atrophy, enhanced bone density, improved sleep, and anti-aging effects are all advantages of MK-677. It may also have nootropic properties, making it useful in the treatment of growth hormone deficiency. Continue reading for a more in-depth look at these advantages.

MK-677 UK Aids Muscle Growth

Ibutamoren is a common anabolic steroid used to boost lean body mass. It is an orally active supplement that should be taken once a day. MK-677 increases Growth Hormone and IGF-1 levels, both of which are important for maintaining lean body mass. Many people feel that Growth Hormone stimulates muscular growth and strength, and MK-677’s potential to promote Growth Hormone production makes it a popular choice.

MK-677 UK Review

Injections of Growth Hormones to 60-year-olds resulted in enhanced thigh muscular strength, according to one research. When it comes to MK-677 boosting muscle growth, the outcomes differ from person to person based on their workout routine and whether or not they have any health issues.

A two-month therapy with ibutamoren boosted lean mass and transiently raised basal metabolic rate in another trial of 24 obese individuals (BMR)


To begin with, many seasoned bodybuilders and fitness fanatics utilise a combination of Ibutamoren and Ligandrol as a daily boost. Both items may be found at specialty stores that provide nutritional supplements for body performance. We recommend taking them together if you want to get the most out of their combined effects – more on that later.

Because Ligandrol and Ibutamoren can help you reach your goals by working together, it’s crucial to use the right amounts of each ingredient. We’ve done the math for you and generated the Alpha Stack at APH Science. For seasoned exercise lovers and athletes, it’s our mixed compound offer. That’s plenty for two months of continuous use, so you’ll have plenty of time.



There has been a big push for greater health and fitness all across the world in recent years. Aside from the different diets and training regimes that are widely marketed on the internet, there has been a huge shift in supplement usage. Many in the bodybuilding community are aware of the ongoing discussion about the use of SARMs vs. steroids.

The New Fitness Companion: ARMs

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are the most popular bodybuilding supplements nowadays. Aside from its use as a bodybuilding supplement, it has been shown to be far less dangerous than anabolic steroids.

Ibutamoren, commonly known as MK-677, is one of the most popular SARMs on the market right now. This SARM is well-known for its muscle-mass-building abilities, since it raises the levels of growth hormones while having little impact on other hormones. This means you may take use of the drug’s benefits without worrying about causing a hormonal imbalance in your body.

Here are three primary advantages of utilising I to assist you comprehend why this SARM is beneficial.

Before & After Effects of Taking MK-677 UK

There is a mountain of clinical data confirming MK-677’s numerous health advantages and effects on nearly every organ system in the body:

Enhances muscle mass and aids fat loss

MK-677 is commonly used as an anabolic drug, which means it can help you gain muscular growth and strength while also helping you lose weight. This potent ingredient has been shown in studies to help enhance body composition and prevent muscle atrophy caused by ageing and other medical conditions:

Oral therapy with MK-677 boosts basal metabolic rate (BMR), the rate at which the body consumes energy while at rest, in obese guys, increasing fat-free mass.

Higher GH levels are highly connected with enhanced muscle mass and strength in the elderly, according to several high-quality studies, suggesting that MK-677 supplementation may have a beneficial impact.

Several lines of evidence also imply that greater IGF-1 levels in the elderly are linked to enhanced muscular growth and strength.

MK-677 cures diet-induced nitrogen loss in patients with muscle wasting without causing any clinically significant side effects.

MK-677 therapy enhances gait speed and stair climbing ability in individuals recuperating from hip fractures, indicating increased muscular function.

MK-677 therapy for 12 months enhances fat-free mass in healthy older persons without any negative side effects. MK-677 treatment improves body composition in GH-deficient individuals by raising IGF-1 levels.

Does MK 677 Cause Cancer

Now that you’ve learned about MK 677’s adverse effects, let’s get to the point: can MK 677 cause cancer? Let’s have a look at how it works:

MK 677 is a secretagogue that acts like ghrelin in the brain and pituitary gland, creating HGH pulses. The liver begins to produce igf-1 when HGH levels rise in the body. Igf-1 affects all organ cells, as well as skeletal and muscular tissues, and is involved in a variety of biological processes.

Igf-1 is not a carcinogen. However, if you already have a tumour, it will develop faster and could spread to other biological systems in your body.

MK 677 is a combination of HGH and IGF-1. If you argue that MK 677 causes cancer, you must also assert that HGH and IGF-1 “create cancer.” Which, after decades of investigation, we know is incorrect.

Ibutamoren has an excellent safety profile for usage as an HGH stimulant, according to clinical research.

“Daily administration of MK 677 elevates HGH and Igf-1 levels to that of a healthy young adult, without producing any serious unfavourable side effects,” according to a two-year study of people taking Ibutamoren on a daily regimen of 25mg.

In addition, ghrelin mimetic treatment increases pulsatile HGH production, resulting in a considerable increase in fat-free mass while staying acceptable.

That is all there is to it. MK 677 does not cause cancer to grow, but it does speed up the growth of existing tumours. Chemotherapy, not MK 677, is what you need to stop cancer from spreading.


Dose Management The key to avoiding side effects is to keep your dosage under control.

If you have sides, your dose is too high. A 5mg to 10mg dosage is sufficient for maintaining a long-term programme for wellbeing, hair growth, and anti-aging. A dosage of 20mg to 25mg will maintain you in an anabolic condition all day long for muscle building.

If you have sides, your dose is too high. A 5- to 10-milligram dosage is sufficient for long-term wellbeing and anti-aging. A dosage of 20mg to 25mg will maintain you in an anabolic condition all day long for muscle building.

If you start to experience adverse effects, reduce your dose by 5mg and see if they go away. Attempting to maintain life

If you start to experience adverse effects, reduce your dose by 5mg and see if they go away. It will be difficult to cope with the adverse effects, but diuretics can help.

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