What Age Should You Start Taking Natural Testosterone Boosters?

Why do we need to boost Testosterone?

Unfortunately, our testosterone production peaks naturally between the ages of 16 and 21, when we are all too preoccupied to realise that this is our one unaided window of opportunity to gain ridiculous amounts of bulk. Then, at the age of 25, testosterone levels begin to fall, and by the time you reach retirement age, they may be nearly gone. This means you’re missing out on the long list of testosterone’s advantages. According to the NHS, men in their 30s may expect a 2% reduction in Testosterone levels per year…

Isn’t it no surprise that 100kg used to seem lighter? Furthermore, being overweight, stressed, or using certain drugs, such as opiates, can result in significant declines in testosterone levels in the short and long term, depending on the quantity and duration of usage.


The bigger question… Do they work?

Yes. There are several testosterone boosters on the market today that contain a variety of scientifically established components in scientifically confirmed quantities to help men increase their testosterone levels. However, as is customary in the supplement sector, there are a similar number of products that do not successfully enhance testosterone owing to inadequate doses or the use of inferior, untested substances that accountants adore but customers should despise.


What’s the difference between testosterone boosters and steroids/injecting testosterone?

Testosterone supplements can help you reach your maximal natural testosterone levels. When using steroids, testosterone is artificially replaced, allowing for considerably greater than normal levels to be obtained.

If you don’t want to use steroids and prefer to stay natural, ensuring sure your testosterone levels are at their highest level is critical to your performance.

Do testosterone boosters have side effects like steroids?

They shouldn’t do it. Testosterone boosters are safe supplements since they are not powerful enough to create adverse effects like steroids.


Can you continuously run testosterone boosters?

There’s no reason why you can’t use testosterone supplements indefinitely. However, we usually advocate taking a 12-week vacation from all supplements (excluding health supplements). Companies that claim that generic DAA may only be taken for 14 days are misleading. However, DHEA-based supplements or other pro hormones are NOT testosterone boosters and should be used in conjunction with a PCT.


Ingredients To Look For?


KSM-66 is the by far the superior version of the ingredient Ashwagandha and it isn’t expensive either, it is proven to increase testosterone levels by 17% as well as improve muscle mass.

OPTIMUM DOSAGE: 750-1250MG (0.75 – 1.25G) PER DAY. 

Tribulus Terrestris

Although most Tribulus Terrestris research is conducted on animals, one 90-day trial on males did indicate a 16 percent boost in testosterone. However, as with all of the components, persons with already high testosterone levels/younger athletes do not see a boost.


OPTIMUM DOSAGE: 500-1500MG (0.5 – 1.5G) PER DAY

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is neither the most fascinating nor the most potent substance… However, those who took 3300iU of Vitamin D3 daily for a year had a 20% boost in testosterone levels.


D-Aspartic Acid

One research looked at the effects of taking a D-aspartic acid supplement for 13 days in healthy males aged 27–37 and found that 20 of the 23 men who took the supplement had greater testosterone levels at the conclusion of the trial, with an average rise of 42 percent.

Another research was looked at for almost a month. They discovered that when males aged 27–43 took D-aspartic acid supplements for 90 days, their testosterone levels increased by 30–60 percent.

It’s worth noting that new research is now showing that DAA might actually be counterproductive when taken at 6g per day (twice the recommended dose) or by males with high testosterone levels.



Pro Lensis (Bulbine Natalensis)

Bulbine Natalensis Pro Lensis is the patented and superior form. Bulbine Natalensis has the disadvantage that all of the quality data is based on rats. On the good side, there is high-quality evidence on rats that can be extended to people; Studies 1, 2, and 3. Thousands of users on the internet also support the findings, which include significant increases in testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and sex drive.

OPTIMUM DOSAGE: 500-1000MG (0.5 – 1G) PER DAY.


Fenugreek is another herb-based testosterone booster. One study was conducted with 30 men who weight trained 4 times per week and took 500mg of fenugreek per day. The results showed an increase in testosterone as well as decreased fat and increased muscle mass.

Another research including 60 males aged 25 to 52 who were given 600mg of fenugreek per day produced the following results:

81 percent of the sample reported an increase in libido.

66 percent of the sample reported improved sexual performance.

81 percent of the sample reported having more energy.

55 percent of the group reported feeling better.


PTIMUM DOSAGE: 500-600MG (0.5 – 0.6G) PER DAY. 

What about Anti Estrogens?

Reduced oestrogen can assist lower water weight, speed up fat loss, and make it simpler for your body to develop muscle, hence anti-estrogen chemicals are frequently found in testosterone or PCT preparations. You should never reduce oestrogen to zero because this can lead to a slew of problems, but most testosterone booster substances aren’t potent enough to do so.