SARMS *UK* | Your Go To Guide


Recently SARMs have come forward in the world finding themselves in to the hands of consumers despite the lack of research for human consumption. But they are being researched by some of the leading companies in the business like GSK – which has led to the highly popular Ostarine (MK-2866).



What Are SARMs?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. SARM.

This might not explain much but we’ll break it down throughout the article and see where we end up.


An Androgen is a class of hormones that serve as ligands that bind to cellular androgen receptors. All anabolic steroids or pro-hormones build muscle through binding to androgen receptors.

What do they do, how do they help?

SARMS essentially are intended to produce similar effects to that of androgenic drugs such as testosterone but would be much more selective in their action, allowing them to potentially have more uses in pharmaceuticals and cause less side effects than other anabolic products for performance enhancement purposes.

They do this by stimulating the nuclear hormone receptors within cells under different conditions. This may then be able to mimic the beneficial effects selectively within the given tissue without the unwanted side effects of pro-hormone substances.

SARMs are agonists of the androgen receptor (AR) in anabolic tissues such as bone and skeletal muscle, but only partial agonists in androgenic areas such as the prostate and sex organs. This means they definitely have a lot less of an impact on the areas that are commonly problematic with the use of hormonal drugs. This is due to minimal or no estrogen conversion and minimal spill over into other hormones.

But are they safe?

In short, it depends who you ask. Hundreds of thousands of users across the world report results with minimal or no side effects from several different SARMs. But a smaller minority of users have experienced some side effects which vary from person to person as everyone is different.

Websites that are selling SARMS without any disclaimer or consideration
for your health are not conducting good business. That’s why we believe here,
at Phoenix Supplement Store, in full disclosure. SARMs are not side effect free.
SARMs are also not going to be highly detrimental to your health or life.

If you have pre-existing health conditions it is not advised to take SARMs as much as it’s not advised to use a lot of other drugs, supplements and medications where there may be unknown contraindications with your particular situation.

ARM Legality in the UK (at time of writing)

Legally: SARMs are currently not on any legal banned list or legislation as a banned ingredient/substance.
Sports: SARMs and all similar ingredients are banned by WADA and most sporting organizations.

If you are a professional athlete, you should not consider taking SARMs.  

Some information on SARMs that we carry.

Ostarine – MK-2866 – Enobosarm

Ostarine is the most popular SARM on the planet, although it is non-steroidal it is closely related to anabolic/androgenic in its activity. As it successfully stimulates most notably the Androgen Receptor (AR) in skeletal muscle and bone. It is far less active in “androgenic” tissues such as the prostate or sex organs.

Ostarine is also the most studied SARM as in 2017 it had 24 human clinical trials involving more than 1,500 people. They were looking into the therapeutic benefits for muscle wasting, breast cancer and urinary incontinence. In one of these studies elderly men and women were given a dosage of just 3mg per day for 12 weeks and the average gain was a 3% increase in lean body mass (LBM) which equated on average to 1.3kg as well as an average fat loss of 0.6kg, the results even showed improved insulin sensitivity. Another study followed with similar results with postmenopausal women taking 3mg daily and over 12 weeks had an average increase of 1.5kg LBM.

During these studies no side effects such as testosterone suppression or estrogen conversion occurred. However, some patients did have mild elevations of liver enzymes (roughly 20%) and negative alterations of serum lipids (HDL down 27%). With most of the patients these levels were still considered within normal range and not a high or even mild cardiovascular risk.

The usual dosage for performance enhancing is 10mg daily for women, 10mg daily during PCT, 20mg daily as a SARM cycle for 4-8 weeks. The average results from this is 5-7lbs of lean body mass gained, some fat reduction, mild to large strength increases and improved muscular endurance.

Cardarine – GW501515, GW516

Firstly, Cadarine is not a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but instead is a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta (PPARD) receptor agonist. It is often classed or grouped with SARMs from a sales and marketing perspective. The receptor plays an important role in human metabolism and helps regulated genes that help manage the transport and oxidation of fatty acids.

Cardarine captured the attention of the fitness community due to its merits in energy metabolism, by reducing glucose utilisation and increasing fatty acid oxidation. In layman’s terms it triggers the body to burn fat as fuel over glucose. Added to this Cardarine has been shown to improve ATP efficiency and therefore enhance endurance. This was picked up in animal studies when researchers found that mice had greatly increased cardiovascular endurance.

Due to the way Cardarine works users and animal studies showed that Cardarine is associated with significant reduction in body fat. Where Cardarine or GW50515 becomes extremely interesting is that PPARD activation increased mitochondrial biogenesis in the muscle, which can remodel your muscle tissue! In studies of trained and untrained mice, Cardarine caused fast twitch muscle fiber to convert to slow twitch muscle fibers. Because of this Cardarine is often called an exercise mimetic as only exercise could normally make these changes to your metabolism and fiber composition.

In phase 1 and phase 2 trials which lasted 12 weeks 268 patients with low HDL levels were given 2.5,5,10mg daily. During this time good cholesterol improved by 17% and bad cholesterol was reduced by 7%. Bodyweight also increased on average 1.3kg however a LBM vs fat mass analysis was not completed. Due to the way GW1501515 works it is safe to assume it was all or mostly LBM.

In the past there have been rumors based upon speculation regarding tumor growth in the colon. HOWEVER, in 2004 a study published by the American Association of Cancer Research confirmed that Cardarine had shown to have no effect on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells under normal cultural conditions and PPAR activation has no effect on cell growth. To further this point in 2008 a study was done on human breast cancer and colour cancer cells and not only did the PPAR agonist prove to be safe it was shown to inhibit further cancer cell growth.
Cardarine is normally taken at 10-20mg daily for performance enhancement, for 6-12 weeks.


The S23 SARM is a SARM, developed by GTx, Inc as a potential male contraceptive. Yes, the purpose of this is nothing to do with muscle and strength but to do with your sperm. It binds to the AR more strongly than the older SARMs such as Anadrine.

S23 could be considered as one of the more potent SARMs due to its very strong bonds with the AR. But the contraceptive effects of S23 are due to its ability to suppress FSH and LH, two key hormones for making sperm. In rats S23 the half-life is reported to be 11.9 hours and when taken by mouth 96% is absorbed by the body and levels peak at around the 4-hour mark. In rats a study shows that S23 decreased average body weight and fat mass, the rats were then also given estrogen which causes muscle loss but S23 was able to override the effects of estrogen and increase lean muscle mass.

Now back to the sperm. When S23 was given to male rats it resulted in a 100% infertility rate. But most interestingly sperm count went back to normal after finishing S23, and rats resumed mating at 100% pregnancy rates. However, too much S23 caused sperm counts to reverse the initial effect and supported sperm production.

The typical performance enhancing dosage is 10-30mg per day. Unfortunately, the average varies so much with S23 it is hard to give any decent indication without too many assumptions. It is worth noting at a PCT is probably needed due to its ability to reduce FSH, LH and Testosterone levels.

MK-677 – Ibutamoren – MK-0677 – L-163,191  

MK-677 like Cardarine is not a SARM but is also often classed or grouped with SARMs from a sales and marketing perspective. MK-677 is a growth hormone secretagogue that mimics the activity of Ghrelin. In human studies it has been shown to significantly elevate serum levels of both GH and IGF-1 levels, increase fat free mass, energy expenditure, improve sleep quality and reduce diet induced catabolism.

MK-677 is also likely to increase cortisol, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic) and prolactin levels, however most of the time this spill over is not noticeable to the user. MK-677 is an potent appetite stimulant which many view as a plus but if you are looking to lose fat then it is often seen as a side effect, as unless you control your diet well, using MK-677 will make you greatly increase your calorie intake.

MK-677 is normally taken at 10-25mg daily for anywhere between 4 weeks and 6 months.


PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy. The aim of PCT is to return your testosterone back to normal levels, whilst combating any side effects that try to appear during this time. Unfortunately, the human body tries to be clever and when testosterone is on the rise, it tends to increase estrogen too. Sometimes even at a faster rate, because of this during PCT it is important to block estrogen from aromatizing so that side effects such as Gyno (male breast growth) or even muscle loss don’t occur.

I heard you don’t need a PCT for SARMs?  

True and false. You will not need a PCT for MK-677 or Cadarine. However, you will NEED A PCT FOR THE FOLLOWING;







Ostarine is a bit of an odd one, most often if it is used at 20mg daily for 4-8 weeks and PCT is most often not needed due to it only causing very mild suppression. However, the higher the dosage creeps up the more likely a PCT will be needed.

SERMS or Selective Estrogen Receptor modulators are the most well-known illegal PCT drugs due their effectiveness but also, sadly, some of the side effects that come along with them. It is highly recommended that drugs like Clomid and Tamoxifen are fully understood before considering. OTC PCT (Over the Counter Post Cycle Therapy) are also available and are much stronger and effective than the older generation used to be.


Your PCT is the difference between keeping gains and not.  

Your PCT can be the difference between having side effects and not.



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